Here are a few random pictures from our busy month of April!

Missionary helping hands in the mission home basement! Thanks to the Asker Sisters and the Sandvike Elders for being a great cleaning team!

These great group of missionaries all attended Stake Conference in Romerike on a very windy April Sunday.

Bergquists, Robinsons, Hills, Cooks, and Jensens…enjoying a lunch break as we prepared for ZC and the transition with the change in office couples.

Elder and Sister Brown have served 4 missions together. We are grateful for their service in Norway and wish them well as they return home.

The Robinsons lived across the street from us in Orem for 30 years. We have been freinds for 40 years. We loved having them serve in Norway with us!

The Bakkemo family drove 2 1/2 hours to attend church in Narvik. Aaron (9) asked if we could all play musical chairs. The Branch President agreed and the children were thrilled. Elder Jensen won :/

Sister Aanensen and her husband took great care of President Hill on his first mission to Norway. She is a wonderful example of consecrated service. She is also a wonderful cook!!!

We had dinner with Sister Aanensen a few weeks ago. The plate was so beautiful that I had to take a picture!

This is Sister Monson. I ran into her on the streets of Frankfurt when we were at the Mission Presidents Seminar. She is the daughter of Presdient Hill’s Mission President, President Ray C. Johnson. She was a young adult when her parents served in Norway. Small world….
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Thank you all for your wonderful service and love. What beautiful pictures! It’s wonderful to see our brothers and sisters in Norway.