Ia was baptized on Saturday in Oslo. It was a beautiful, bright, sunny day and she was glowing. We are excited for the decicion that she made and the happiness that she felt as Elder Egan baptized her. Congratulations Ia!

Sister Nielsen returned home to receive treatment for a medical problem.We will miss her! She started her mission in the MTC with Sister Palmer and they were companions again at the end in Trondheim. We love these two!

A phone photo of these sweet sisters as they said goodbye to Sister Nielsen. Sister Stocks, Sister Madsen, Sister Nielsen and Sister Palmer.

Lunch with the assistants on a snowy day in Oslo! They are amazingly awesome and work so hard to help us keep the mission running! Thanks Elder Cole and Elder Wakefield! We love you!

This is Liv from the Sandvika ward with Sister Robinson and I. Her mother opened this dress shop in Honefoss in 1954. She and her husband were contacted by missionaires in 1972. President Hill visited Honefoss during the last 2 weeks of his mission in June 1972. He did not meet Liv then, but he worked with the missionaries who taught her and her husband. Small world moment!
2 comments. Leave new
So Cool! Such great pics!
Hello to everyone !! Very happy to see the mission in Oslo … We are very happy that our son Elder Francisco Gonzalez is part of that mission!! So exited to see pic!!