Once a transfer we gather at the mission home with our leadership for a day of reviewing, reporting, teaching and planning for the transfer ahead. We love these missionaries and their desire to help us as we lead and guide the missionaries in Norway.

The ZLs put on the “wisdom hats” from our last meeting as they reported the happenings in their zones…Elder Hansen and Elder Garlick (Nord Zone)
Elder Briggs and Elder Dawes (Sør Zone)
Elder Rumsey and Elder Collett (Øst Zone)

Our attempt to get a picture before lunch. The lighting is always so much better outside so Elder Rumsey made a path and everyone was supposed to follow behind him. You can tell who followed directions 🙂
"The true way to be happy is to do something to add to others happiness!" Heber J. Grant

We had a breakout session role playing meeting with a member family…I had a bag of costumes in the storage room left over from our Christmas skits…This is what happened. So many personalities in one little meeting!

And then this happened! President Hill was doing a few quick interviews before we drove everyone to the train station. The snow was just too much of a temptation for these 3 elders. They entertained us while we waited.
5 comments. Leave new
So thankful for your dedication to this blog. These pictures seem to be the only ones we get anymore, making me even more grateful as of late!
Thank you Sister Hill!! Pure happiness this morning as I look at these pictures.
Love these posts! Thank you so much! It makes me so happy to see all these wonderful pictures! 🙂
Thank you for sharing. I haven’t been on for a while. I’m loving these. Thank you for ALL you do!
Oh Sister Hill, these pictures are wonderful! I love how you share the happiness of these missionaries. I know they have hard days, too, but I’m so grateful for the joy and light they radiate. Thank you for sharing!