It was a busy week in our mission. We held 3 zone conferences in 3 days! It was amazing to be together as we taught, trained, studied, laughed, ate, practiced, and lifted each other. We love the spirit that the missionaries bring to Zone Conference as they come prepared to learn and go forth to serve. Find your missionary Enjoy!
Vestlandet Zone / Stavanger

Elder Arveseth served in Stavanger. It is always hard for missionaries when they realize it is their last visit to a place they loved on their mission….
Oslo Fjord Zone / Drammen

Elder Cook and Elder (President) Hill taught Idar when they were young missionaries in Norway. They had a sweet reunion and talked to the missionaries about his conversion.
Sentral Zone / Oslo

Elder and Sister Hill – champion cooks and bottle washers. We will miss them! On the menu today….meatball subs! Yum!
11 comments. Leave new
Again – thank you for always being so diligent in taking so many wonderful photos of our missionaries. We love them! (the photos – AND the missionaries! 🙂 ) And we love you and Pres Hill and all the Senior Missionaries. Thank you so much for all your service!
It’s like a Super Monday – pday letters home AND a blog update! Day made! Thanks, always!
I love following the blog and always “Enjoy” the pictures. Thank you for everything you do!
Thank you for all the love and care you have shown Elder Arveseth over the last 2 years.
I will be in your debt forever, for all the things you have taught him. He loves you both and doesn’t want to come home. Thanks for helping him grown and work harder than he though possible.
Oh my, what wonderful pictures of such wonderful missionaries. Thank you–we love you all!!
That’s funny that Eldste Dawes brought his “apron” to Zone Conference! Love all the pics. Thank you so very much!
I just love following your blog. Not only to see my son but to see so many great missionaries. Thanks for keeping us at home update.
Thank you for all your service and LOVE. My daughter had a great experience with you. Im SOOOO excited to be getting her home so soon. Lilly Reid, Sister Reid’s Mother
Love the group pictures and even some other smaller group shots. My son always, always, looks happy! I know that you and President are so loving and thoughtful. Thanks for serving and helping my son. <3
Thank you for all you do for these missionaries!! For your great love and sacrifice and devotion to help them be successful!! My daughter adores the Hills!!
Thank you for your beautiful pictures and the news. We love to see everyone, especially Parker our grandson. Thank you for your service and especially the love you share with all of us. We certainly do appreciate all you do. Everyone always looks so happy.
Thank you for the gorgeous pictures and the blog. Love to read it and look at the pictures. Everyone always looks happy. We love to see pictures of our grandson too. Thank you for all your service and love.