Norway’s Constitution Day is the 17th of May. We watched the weather forecast everyday hoping it would not rain. We had a sprinkle in the morning but the day ended cool and clear! It was the most beautiful day of the year despite the weather! Everyone wears either their traditional costumes or their Sunday best. The missionaries in Oslo, Romerike, and Hamar joined us this year to celebrate Syttende Mai. It was a great day to be together and celebrate this beautiful country that we love!

Elder and Sister Hill, Elder and Sister Robinson, my sister Joy Johnson in my mother’s bunad, my niece Emily and her husband Ross…

Sister Davidson was able to wear a beautiful bunad that belong to a member in Romerike. We love these sisters!

And we love these two! They have spent 6 months of their missions together and we love them for their dedication and hard work!

I took lots of pictures of random people. I try to pick a favorite bunad but they are all so beautiful there is no way I could ever decide.

My sister came to Norway for Syttende Mai. She wore my mother’s bunad from Ål Hallingdal. Sorry, I could not get this picture to turn…

We ended the afternoon with a rouzing game of “Bean Boozled!” It was quite entertaining. Even the Robinson’s grandchildren joined in the fun. You spin a dial and take the jelly belly flavor that it lands on. It could be a wonderful bite of candy or some other disgtusting flavor disguised as a perfectly lovely jelly belly. It’s a game of chance and sometimes you lose! You can tell the losers by the looks on their faces.
5 comments. Leave new
What an amazing experience to spend Mother’s day with my sister. It was such a blessing to travel back to Norway for the first time in @&% years. (I won’t date myself).. but LBJ was in the White House.
From Oslo, to Sandvika, to Holmenkollen, to Vigeland, to Bygdøy and everything in between. Norway is beautiful and so are the people. Hurrah for Norge! Hurrah for the Missionaries of the Oslo, Norway Mission. Ha Det Bra!
Beautiful photos! Looks like Elder Hoopes REALLY lost at Bean Boozle!
Oh my! It looks like loads of fun was had by all. What a wonderful day!
Again, thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.
Elder Dawes said he had a great time. Thanks for the wonderful pictures. Fun to see pics of Elder Briggs!
Thank you Sister Hill!