We had a busy week traveling to all four zones for zone leader training. It was a fast and furious week but a wonderful opportunity to be well taught and see all the missionaries.
First stop…Trondheim with the Nord Zone.
On to Stavanger with the Vestlandet Zone…
The Østlandet Zone….in Romerike
The Telemark Zone in Drammen…

The Elders ran home to borrow their landlords flag for a picture. She insisted that they take the American flag too 🙂
4 comments. Leave new
Oh thank you for posting pictures. Elder Dawes mentioned that he loved his first zone conference and it’s wonderful to see his smile!!
Thank you, so very much, for wonderful photos of the missionaries! It is a delight to see the work in Norway, and to see our little girl missionary:)
Thank you, thank you! Love seeing our missionaries in action. =D
As always, thank you for posting these <3