We recently had visitors from our neighborhood at home. We love sharing the beauty of Norway even though the weather does not always cooperate. President Hill remained in Oslo but I was able to visit missionaries in Bergen and return on the Norway in a Nutshell tour with friends. Our group got caught in a huge rainstorm while on the fjord. Our driver told us that Norway has had record breaking amounts of rain this summer. He also told us that our trip on the fjord that afternoon was the worst weather he had seen all summer.
We traveled to Tromsø on Saturday for Branch Conference. Some members recently opened a cafe’. We had lunch with the missionaries. Fish Soup and Fish burgers…It was wonderful!

An apartment with a view…. We had a great apartment across from the church for the sisters but over the summer the landlord decided to move back into it so the hunt was on for a new one. Tromsø is a college town and apartments are hard to find. We were lucky to find this one… Can you imagine studying in front of those windows? Sister Cockrell and Sister Hess may never want to move.
Our busy week continued with Zone Conferences. First stop Trondheim and the Nord Zone. We have a great group of missionaries scattered up the coast from Ålesund to Alta. The Olsen’s came from Tromsø to help with lunch. We do not have a couple serving in Trondheim right now but the Brown’s have been assigned and will arrive in November. Photo credit….a music stand and the self timer on my camera.
Our second stop was Stavanger for the Vestlandet Zone Conference. It was warm and very humid in Stavanger. In spite of the weather it was a wonderful day! We absolutely love being able to spend time with these great young men and women. Next time we will have to move the tall elders to the sides so they do not block the sisters. With no one else in the building we have to rely on a music stand and the self timer again 🙂

I mentioned that it was hot and humid…. The Gormley’s and the Torgesen’s spent the day in the kitchen! We are grateful for their service with a smile 🙂
Our final stop was Oslo. We spent a wonderful day with the Østlandet and Telemark Zones. We love all these happy faces. What a blessing it is to serve with them in Norway. A great end to an awesome week.

This was the last zone conference for the Lemons (on the left). They have served and fed us well over the past 18 months. They will be with us for 4 more weeks. We also appreciate all the Brostroms do to hold us all together. We love these wonderful couples.

We never thought we would be driving a mini van again! We are thrilled to have a third seat with room for more luggage and extra companionships. AND…..Fall has come to Norway! I love this wall in the parking lot of the church in Oslo.
3 comments. Leave new
I love the new car! I can’t wait to ride in it! Do you think it can fit all 7 Hollands and our bags? 🙂 Great pictures mom. Love you!
Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful pictures! We loved seeing our son in the midst of more missionary life!
My son leaves the MTC on Monday for Norway! Elder Dawes is both excited & nervous. We are excited to see his handsome face on the blog. Thank you for the pics. We have loved seeing & reading about the mission.