We had our mission leadership council this week. We added a few new faces to the crowd. It is always a highlight of the transfer to gather for this important training and enjoy the opportunity to share ideas. We love these wonderful missionaries and are grateful for their positive influence on our mission.

We ended up with an empty ottoman in the middle of the picture…Thanks to Elder Kemp for making sure that the picture was balanced 🙂

The missionaries make these cardboard cases to protect their scriptures as they carry them in their bags. I sat next to Elder Abril during the meeting and I loved this reminder….

I took this picture of the former Sister Vega last summer at a zone conference… There is an article about her in the August Liahona with the picture attached.

These sisters are finishing the final transfer of their mission. Elder Broadbent was in their MTC group.

The last MLC for this great group! Sister Smith, Sister Bender, Sister Wadley, Elder Abril, and Elder Brink!

There was a huge thunderstorm just as we were leaving the office. We met these two on the street. Elder Mitchell and Elder Love forgot their umbrellas and Elder Mitchell is even from England where it rains a lot !

On Thursday we visited Elder Gurr and Elder Killpack in Romerike. We did an apartment check which they passed with flying colors and they got bonus points for picking us some raspberries!!!

Saturday we were able to attend the baptism of Cicilie in Oslo. We were thrilled to support her on this special day!!