It was another great week in Norway! We were especially excited to meet our 11 new sisters who arrived on Tuesday afternoon. We are always thrilled when the flight is on time, all the bags make it, and everyone is happy! Our dreams came true! What a great group! We even had snow on Wednesday which made Norway look like a winter wonderland. A perfect welcome. They were with us for about 20 hours and then they were off to start their wonderful adventure in the
Land of the Midnight Sun!!

Elder Lemon and Elder Brostrom reminded the sisters that you never know what might happen. These two were companions in the MTC 47 years ago. It’s a small world….

The Assistants help present the sisters with information about their first area and who their companion will be. These sisters were so excited!!!

Sister Horner (on the right) is one of our Sister Training leaders. She will also train this transfer. She is good friends with Sister Gagon’s (white sweater on the couch) sister. I love the expression on Sister Gagon’s face when she finds out they will be together. Priceless….

These two are from Castle Rock Colorado. They sat next to each other in a high school sign language class…..Sister Etchells is friends with Elder Rolfsen’s sister. Again….it’s a small world.

These two are cousins! Sister Haylee Neilson (on the right) has finished her mission. Another Sister Neilson arrived just in time to carry on the Neilson name as a sister missionary in Norway! Another small world moment.

Sister Allen arrives with her companions from Drammen to pick up her new companion Sister Crenshaw. Sister Firth has finished her mission this transfer and Sister House is staying 4 weeks! She is off to Ålesund!

Sister Firth and Sister Sorensen were excited to spend one last day in Oslo before completing their missions. Sister Hudson (R) is with us for 4 more weeks!
2 comments. Leave new
What a great blessing to have all these wonderful women!
Thank you for taking such good care of my baby sister 🙂 (Sister Atanasio)
I hear great things about Norway and how she is enjoying her time there so far. <3