We have had another busy week in Norway. It’s transfer week and we were also excited to welcome 3 new Elders to Norway! The weather is cooler and the days are shorter. Fall is definitely in the air.

President Hill and his AP’s. We have been so blessed to have them serve with us. We will miss Elder Allen. He has already extended his mission or we would try to get him to stay longer!

A farewell breakfast for some great missionaries! We are going to miss Elder Allen who has served as an AP. We love him! Elder Brink and Sister Ulrich are moving to new areas. We love them too!
We drove to Skein for church on Sunday. It is a beautiful little town with a great ward. We have 2 Sisters serving in Skien and 3 Elders nearby in Porsgrunn. After church the sisters made us dinner. We had a great day!

Our new Elders meeting some of the Oslo missionaries. They took them on a walk around downtown Oslo.
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Thank you for the pictures! It is great to see them, and that they are there safe and sound.