We have had such a great time with interviews in the past few weeks. Each missionary has an interview with the Mission President every quarter. We have been up, down and all around. We have also been doing apartment checks! Our missionaries have been working on dejunking apartments and doing a good fall cleaning. We are also trying to teach some laundry skills 🙂 They are responding well!
This is a random collection of our journey this week.

We saw this apartment in July and it did not look like this! Elder Edwards worked some magic and even painted a wall blue. He even hung the blinds on the windows. Home sweet Home to these three.

The marina below our house is full of boats. This is what they do with them in the winter. The parking lots are full of them.

We closed an apartment in Sandnefjord. This was our moving crew. We could not have done it without them! Elder Daly, Elder Allen, Elder Parkinson, Elder Bjorn. and Elder McKell.

The reward…
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Awesome pictures
Love all your pictures Joeen! Scenery is gorgeous, missionaries wonderful and the door! I want it.
Oct 19 – At last, with the help of a granddaughter, I found your blog spot, Joeen. Hurray! Loved everything about it–the clever play on words of your title and looking at your pictures. I’m anxious to read all your news, but wanted to get this off to you right away. Recognized most of the great missionaries from the TRC. Please relay my warmest greetings to those who remember “bestemor”.
Speaking of remembering, my two daughters and I were up at the church office building for lunch and stopped in to pick up our son-in-law, Steve Young . He was grinning and said there was someone he wanted me to talk to and reminded me I’d met her there a couple of years ago. As we visited again she said she was good friends with the current Norwegian mission president. Curious, I told her I was too, and it finally came out that she was Tracy’s good friend from Kristiansand! He told me about her several times as we visited, but I had no idea I had actually met her. At the time she was trying to get me to come work with her up there, but it was soon after Rex died and my house was being remodeled and there were just lots of things on my plate. Then I started at the TRC and was called to be a S.S. teacher in our ward and the thought of commuting to SL became too daunting, so I forgot about it. She said she was leaving for Norway right away, so I wrote a little “hilsen” to both of you, which she may deliver to you. Then, just days later, I found your blog, so I’m sending greetings to you directly. Hvordan gaar det met ditt liv i Norge? Haaper dere begge to trives derborte. Fra bildene du sendte kan jeg tenke det ville vaere lett aa gjore det. But back to English because I haven’t set up my machine to type Norwegian yet.
Tracy, everything I see on the blog tells me you’re doing well there. It also shows me what you already confided: You have a great companion.
I look forward to reading about your adventures and wish you the Lord’s blessings on your work.
Love, Jackie M.