Last Friday we took the train from Oslo to Bergen. It was a change from the flights that we have been taking. If we did it again we would get first class tickets (they were sold out) and make sure that our seats were facing forward instead of backwards 🙂 It was a rainy day, but still relaxing and beautiful! The scenic pictures were taken from a moving rainy train window.

There was a lot of rain the day before we left. The rivers along the tracks were flooding over their banks.
4 comments. Leave new
Love the picture of Ã…l.
I am Eldste Davis’ mom. Thank you for your blog and posting these pictures! It’s so wonderful to see my son’s happy face!
I’m Søster House’s mom! Love your blog! It’s a treat to see the beauty of Norway and especially the happy missionaries! Makes my heart smile 🙂 Thank you so much!
I am Eldste Osguthorpe’s mom. Thank you so much for taking the time to post pictures and keep the blog. It was so wonderful to see my son and learn about where he is serving. Thank you for your endless time, sacrifice and service.